Innovation Submissions

Why Submit?

GlobalData provides rich industry data, which is accessed by thousands of industry players and over a million users in 160 countries.

We will publish innovations in GlobalData’s Disruptor Intelligence Center and across our Verdict network of B2B websites, which attract a business audience of more than 80 million unique browsers a year.

Providing us with some key innovation details, as outlined below, will help us ensure that your information gets visibility from global audiences.


Who can submit?

Anyone related to the following teams:

  • Innovation and R&D
  • Digital Transformation
  • Product Management
  • Strategy
  • Consulting
  • Tech Influencers

Which detail?

Any or all of the following:

  • Company name
  • Technology category
  • End users
  • Nature of innovation
  • Short to medium-term outlook

Which innovations?

Anything from a new concept, prototype, working model, or commercial rollout.

When to submit?

As soon as the innovation is announced or publicly available.

Please be informed that the submitted innovation will be published in GlobalData’s Disruptor Intelligence Center only if it is deemed fit as impactful.

    Key Details

    GlobalData uses the information in this form to provide you with occasional updates on new products and reports in accordance with your preferences. You are in control of the communications you receive from us and you can update your preferences anytime to make sure you are receiving information that matters to you. Please check our Privacy Policy to see how we protect and manage your submitted data.

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