AC Immune SA - Company Profile

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AC Immune SA Clinical Trials

Determine AC Immune SA go-to-market proposition and gain insight into the company’s clinical operations, recruitment, and trial strategy.

A sample of AC Immune SA Clinical Trials data

Trial Title Trial Identifier Drug Name Therapy Area Indication Trial Phase Trial Status Sponsor
Showing 3 of 19+ results.
Deserunt mollit sunt Lorem GDCTWXYZ Lorem Lorem Lorem WXYZ Planned Pfizer Inc
A Study of ACI-24 in Adults with down Syndrome GDCT0387137 ACI-24 Genetic Disorders Down Syndrome Phase II Withdrawn AC Immune SA
A Study to Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability and Immunogenicity of Tau Targeted Vaccines in Participants With Early Alzheimer's Disease GDCT0365056 ACI-35030; JACI-35054 Central Nervous System Alzheimer's Disease; Cognitive Impairment; Dementia; Mild Cognitive Impairment; Tauopathies; Unspecified Central Nervous System Disorders Phase I/II Ongoing, not recruiting AC Immune SA
Phase Ib/IIa Study of ACI-35 GDCT0350477 ACI-35 Central Nervous System Alzheimer's Disease Phase I/II Ongoing, recruiting AC Immune SA
Clinical Trials


GlobalData’s Clinical Trials database (CTDB) is a highly comprehensive source of Clinical Trials.

The database covers planned, ongoing, completed and terminated/suspended/withdrawn clinical trials.

Clinical Trials database provides intelligence on global clinical trials for all indications. The data is sourced from:

  • 250+ clinical trial registries
  • 200+ scientific and investor conferences, company pipelines, press releases, and SEC filings.


The Clinical Trials database collects information on various parameters to provide a Clinical Trial overview as well as Clinical Trial details, Drug details, Patient details, Trial Results, Location(s)/Sponsor(s) and Contact Detail(s).


  • Detailed trial information.
  • Drug information.
  • Patient information, including inclusion and exclusion criteria.
  • Trial results, as reported in the public domain.
  • Biomarkers used for patient stratification/selection & outcome measures.
  • Enrolment parameters.
  • Investigators involved in clinical trials.
  • Trials sites and locations.
  • Contact information.


Competitive Activity – keep an eye on planned or ongoing trials, as well as the trials currently recruiting and who is sponsoring them.

Geographic Analysis - see where trials are being run.

Trend Analysis - view top sponsors, indications, phase, status and more with Trial Analytics.

Find information on trials contacts, as well as Site and Investigator information.

Get information on trial successes and failures.

Get intelligence on CROs engaged in clinical trials.

Use as a business development tool for CROs.

Premium databases is part of our industry range of products

Gain a 360-degree view of AC Immune SA and make more informed decisions for your business
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