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Capricorn Energy Plc: Premium Databases

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Capricorn Energy Plc Upstream

Access comprehensive data and analysis of global upstream assets. This includes key information on fields, wells and blocks. It covers key commercial, geological, and technical attributes of assets and analysis of developments.

A sample of Capricorn Energy Plc Upstream data

Feild Name Participation (%) Status Country Resource Type Remaining NPV (US$ mil) Remaining Reserves (boe) IRR (%) Total Production Entitlement (boed)
    2017 2018 2019 2020
Showing 3 of 20+ results.
Mangala-Bhagyam-Aishwariya - Producing India Conventional Oil - - 71 - - - -
Badr El-Din Development Lease 50 Producing Egypt Conventional Oil 445 19,394,856 8 - - - -
Pelican 90 Discovered Mauritania Conventional Gas - - 14 - - - -


Upstream Analytics:

  • Upstream Fields: Provides comprehensive data and analysis of global upstream assets. Covers key commercial, geological, and technical attributes of fields, as well as analysis and evaluation of field developments.
  • Upstream Blocks: Explore, analyse, and visualize upstream exploration data with comprehensive information on block-by-block details. Track ongoing and upcoming licensing rounds globally, and view detailed information on companies’ exploration portfolio, and license tenure.
  • International Wells: Explore, analyze and visualize information on all oil & gas wells globally - with focus primarily on discovery wells.
  • US Lower 48 Wells: Comprehensive data set with validated and standardized information on well details, production, injection, fracturing, completion and economic data integrated along mapping and analytical tools to generate insights and identify opportunities in the US L48.


Upstream Analytics:

  • Fields: Over 80 different parameters and 30 time series parameters available to query data including geography, operator, water depth, formation, development stage, projected start date, total capital budget, production levels, recovery factor, remaining recoverable reserves, and remaining net present value.
  • Blocks: Detailed information on all oil and gas exploration and development blocks, globally. A block by block details includes - License details, Operator and Equity Participants, acreage, basin etc..,
  • International Wells: Details on oil & gas wells globally, primarily E&A wells. The database covers all key commercial attributes of the wells including its location, ownership details, well type and depth. It also covers key geological and technical attributes such as basin, formation, terrain, type, status, and GIS details et al.
  • US Lower 48 Wells: Curated data for wells across 30+ states, providing well –based analysis from analysis production, completion and drilling activity to generating type well and economics.


Upstream Analytics:

  • Fields: Access global field details including forecasts for capital and operating expenditures, cash flows, and production scenarios by field, company or country using proprietary analytical frameworks.
  • Blocks: Detailed information on Ongoing and Upcoming Bid/Licensing Round globally
  • International Wells: The International wells database helps users to explore analyze and visualize information on global oil and gas wells
  • US Lower 48 Wells: Over 150 reported and calculated parameters including time series data. Parameters include well details, well location, completion and fracturing details, test details, wells economics, estimates economic recovery, production details, cumulative production and initial production rates

Premium databases is part of our industry range of products

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