China Unicom (Hong Kong) Ltd - Company Profile

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China Unicom (Hong Kong) Ltd: Premium Databases

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China Unicom (Hong Kong) IT Software Contracts

Improve competitive bidding with insight into all publicly disclosed IT software contracts by IT solutions areas for China Unicom (Hong Kong) Ltd (including Enterprise applications, IT Security, Information Management, Cloud Computing, IoT and more).

A sample of China Unicom (Hong Kong) IT Software Contracts data

Client Name Primary Vendor Client's industry Primary IT service type Total contract value ($m) Announcement Date
Showing 2 of 2 results.
Deserunt mollit sunt Lorem GDCT Lorem Lorem WXYZ 19 Dec 2007))
China Unicom (Hong Kong) Ltd Amdocs Ltd Telecommunications 0.8 19 Dec 2007
China Unicom (Hong Kong) Ltd Amdocs Ltd Telecommunications 7.7 13 Sep 2006
IT Software Contracts


IT Software Contracts database provides IT software contracts across IT solution areas (e.g. Enterprise applications, IT security, Information management, Enterprise mobility management et al)


An exhaustive database of software contracts across IT solution areas.


The database is dynamic in nature with new contracts and frequent updates. Stay ahead of the curve by identifying new/emerging requirements, upselling/cross-selling opportunities, account development and positioning.

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