CK Life Sciences Int'l (Holdings) Inc - Company Profile

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CK Life Sciences Int'l (Holdings) Inc: Premium Databases

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CK Life Sciences Int'l (Holdings) Catalyst Calendar

Proactively evaluate CK Life Sciences Int'l (Holdings) Inc’s catalyst impacts to stay ahead of the competition & improve corporate planning. Bolster business development with timely opportunities.

A sample of CK Life Sciences Int'l (Holdings) Catalyst Calendar data

Catalyst Calendar


Catalyst Calendar provides forecasted drug development milestones within the Pharma industry including expected timing, expected outcomes and possible financial impacts.



  • Trial Events for trials conducted globally by a company, university, institute or CRO:  Trial Initiation, Trial Completion, Trial Results
  • Regulatory Events related to drug filings with regulatory bodies, approvals and commercial launches. This is covered for the US, EU and Japan
  • Intellectual Property Events for patent and exclusivity expiry specific to the US, EU and Japan: Constraining Patent Expiry (US/EU/Japan), Drug Expiry (US/EU/Japan), Commercial Launch (US/EU/Japan)


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