Edison SpA - Company Profile

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Edison SpA (Edison), a subsidiary of Electricite de France SA, is an energy company. It explores, produces, develops and sells natural gas and crude oil in the Mediterranean Basin. The company generates and sells electricity; and develops, stores, transports and sells gas in Italy and Europe. Edison owns and operates combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) plants, hydroelectric stations, wind farms, solar and biomass power plants. It also offers energy efficiency solutions. The company operates hydrocarbon business through its subsidiaries in Italy, Europe, the Middle East, Africa and South America. Edison is headquartered in Milan, Italy.

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Headquarters Italy

Address Foro Buonaparte 31, Milano, 20121

Telephone 39 026 2227331

No of Employees 5,957

Industry Power

Ticker Symbol & Exchange EDNR (BIT)

Revenue (2022) $19.9B -39.2% (2022 vs 2021)


Net Income (2022) XYZ 241.1% (2022 vs 2021)

Market Cap* $176.3M

Net Profit Margin (2022) XYZ 458.0% (2022 vs 2021)

* As of and is in US$
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Energy Storage Projects

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Products and Services

Products Services
Crude Oil Transportation
Natural Gas Storage
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History section provides information on new products, mergers, acquisitions, expansions, approvals, and many more key events.

Year Event Description
2024 Plans/Strategy In February, the company announced its plans to sell its natural gas storage assets in Italy to Snam.
2023 Contracts/Agreements In October, the company entered into an agreement with KGAL for a 150-mw electric project for Italy.
2023 Contracts/Agreements In April, the company renewed its collaboration with Amazon Web Services (AWS) with a multi-year strategic agreement.
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Competitor Comparison

Key Parameters Edison SpA Centrica Plc A2A SpA IREN SpA Slovenske elektrarne as
Headquarters Italy United Kingdom Italy Italy Slovakia
City Milano Windsor Milan Reggio Nell'Emilia Bratislava
State/Province - England Lombardia - Bratislava
No. of Employees 5,957 21,014 13,958 11,004 4,458
Entity Type Public Public Public Public Private
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Chart Financial activity with access to more key stats Chart Financial activity with access to more key stats Find out more
Name Position Board Since Age
Marc Benayoun Chairman Executive Board 2019 57
Massimo Quaglini Executive Vice President - Gas & Power Market Division; Chief Executive Officer - Edison Energia SpA Senior Management 2019 63
Marco Fortis Vice President - Edison Foundation Senior Management 2017 67
John Brianza Executive Vice President - Energy and Environmental Services. Senior Management 2018 50
Marco Peruzzi Head - Institutional Affairs, Regulation and Climate Change Senior Management 2019 -
Non Dignissim Eros Proin vel Convallis 2024 XY
Non Dignissim Eros Proin vel Convallis 2024 XY
Non Dignissim Eros Proin vel Convallis 2024 XY
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