GC Biopharma Corp - Company Profile

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The following section provides information on GC Biopharma Corp’s senior management, executives, CEO and key decision makers and their roles in the organization. For more insight into GC Biopharma Corp's management and employees, unlock the full data with our company analytics monitoring tool.


Il-sup Huh

Chairman Executive Board Since: 2009

Mr. Il-sup Huh has been the Chairman of the company since 2009. Prior to this, he served as a Director, the Vice President and the President at Green Cross. He also served as the Chairman at Korea Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association. Currently, he serves the position of the Vice-Chairman of Korea Bio Association.

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Eun-chul Huh

Chief Executive Officer; President Senior Management Since: 2015

Mr. Eun-chul Huh has been the Chief Executive Officer and the President of the company since 2015. Prior to this, he served as the Director of Planning and Coordination Office, Sales, Production, and R&D. Mr. Huh also served as the Chief Technology Officer of the company.

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Namkoong Hyun

Director; Head- Domestic Sales Executive Board Since: 2022

Seung-Ho Lim

Director; Head-Production Executive Board Since: 2022
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