Lloyds Banking Group Plc - Company Profile

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Lloyds Banking Group Plc: Executives

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The following section provides information on Lloyds Banking Group Plc’s senior management, executives, CEO and key decision makers and their roles in the organization. For more insight into Lloyds Banking Group Plc's management and employees, unlock the full data with our company analytics monitoring tool.


William Chalmers

Director; Chief Financial Officer Executive Board Since: 2019 Age: 55

Mr. William Chalmers serves as a Director and Chief Financial Officer of Lloyds since 2019. Prior to this, he served as the Interim Chief Executive Officer of the group from May 2021 to August 2021. He served as the Co-Head of the Global Financial Institutions Group at Morgan Stanley. Before that, Mr. Chalmers served in multiple roles in Morgan Stanley, which included the Head of EMEA Financial Institutions Group. Previously, he served at JP Morgan, within the Financial Institutions Group.

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Charlie Nunn

Group Chief Executive Officer; Director Executive Board Since: 2021 Age: 51

Mr. Charlie Nunn has been the Group Chief Executive Officer and Director of the group since August 2021. Prior to this, he held various positions at HSBC including Group Head of Wealth Management and Digital, Global Chief Operating Officer of Retail Banking and Wealth Management, and Global Chief Executive of Wealth and Personal Banking. Previously, he worked with McKinsey & Co. and Accenture.

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Ron van Kemenade

Chief Operating Officer Senior Management Since: 2023

Mr. Ron van Kemenade has been the Chief Operating Officer of the group since May 2023. Prior to this, he served as the Chief Technology Officer and Chief Information Officer at ING. He held various roles related to telecommunications and financial services industry.

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Suresh Balaji

Chief Marketing Officer Senior Management Since: 2023

Mr. Suresh Balaji has been the Chief Marketing Officer of the group since October 2023. Prior to this, he served as the Global Head of Marketing and Communications at Standard Chartered Bank and Chief Marketing Officer of the Asia-Pacific regions for HSBC. Previously, he served in various leadership roles at Lloyds Bank, Halifax and Bank of Scotland.

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Kate Cheetham

Company Secretary; Chief Legal Officer Senior Management Since: 2019

Ms. Kate Cheetham has been the Chief Legal Officer of the group since 2015 and is its Company Secretary since 2019. She served in various roles including General Counsel and Deputy General Counsel of Group Legal. Previously, she worked with Linklaters.

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