Panacea Biotec Ltd - Company Profile

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Panacea Biotec Ltd: Segment Analysis

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Business Description

Panacea Biotec Ltd (Panacea) conducts research and development, manufacturing and marketing of pharmaceuticals, biopharmaceuticals, vaccines, and natural/indigenous products. It also offers contract research and manufacturing services. The company operates through two reportable business segments: Formulations and Vaccines.

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R&D Overview

The company conducts R&D to advance vaccines, drug delivery projects, biosimilar, generics and drug discovery (small molecules), in compliance with international regulatory standards. - It operates four R&D centers, namely, Laksh Drug Discovery R&D Centre, Sampann Drug Delivery Centre, One Stream Research Center, and Global R&D (Grand) Center. Laksh Drug Discovery R&D Centre in Mohali is spread over 70,000 Square feet and carries out medical chemistry, analytical and bio-analytical research, in vitro and in vivo biology, pharmacokinetics and drug metabolism studies; Sampann Drug Delivery Centre in Lalru, Punjab develops hydro gel based topical drug delivery system of herbal drugs and peptides, self-emulsifying drug delivery system (SEDDS), solid-solid dispersion for highly variable drugs, and controlled release drug delivery systems. One Stream Research Center is spread over 26,000 square feet for developing novel vaccines and biopharmaceuticals targeted against endemic and epidemic diseases. The center conducts research to develop vaccines and biologicals using genetic engineering, molecular biology, animal cell culture, genomics tools, fermentation, purification, formulation, serology, and analytical testing techniques. Grand R&D Centre is spread over 3,600 Square feet focuses injectable drug delivery systems and oral drug delivery systems. - It has filed more than 460 patent applications across the world. It has filed approximately 289 applications for trademark registration, out of which 165 have been registered in India, 113 have been registered outside India and 11 applications are pending. The company has registered copyrights, as of March 31, 2023.

Business Segments


Manufactures specialty pharmaceuticals and biopharmaceuticals. It focuses on organ transplantation (kidney, liver, heart), nephrology, diabetes, orthopedics, oncology and gastroenterology, among others. It exports products to more than 20 countries including Germany, the US, Russian Federation, and emerging markets. - The segment is sub-divided into six strategic business units (SBUs) with operations in both domestic and international markets. The SBUs include Procare, Diacar Alpha, Diacar Delta, GROW Care, Onco Trust, and Critical Care. - Transplantation and Immunology is a super specialty SBU, which offers pre-transplant and post-transplant therapy products focused on patients with kidney, liver, heart or any other organ transplants. - Nephrology SBU focuses on patients suffering with chronic kidney disease-mineral bone disorder, renal anemia, dialysis therapy, and renal nutrition. - Oncotrust SBU focuses on patients suffering from various cancer and cancer indications including breast cancer, brain tumor, ovarian cancer, pancreatic cancer, prostate cancer and colorectal cancer. - Diacar Alpha focuses on diabetes and cardiovascular disease management. Major brands include Glizid M and Glizid-MV. It focuses on specialties such as diabetologists, endocrinologists, cardiologists and physicians - Procare SBU deals with orthopedic (osteoporosis, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis) and gastroenterology (constipation, anorectal disorders and hepatology) disease management. - Growcare SBU offers products ranging from acute therapies, including cough and cold, anti-infectives, and pain management to chronic therapies such as piles management, constipation management, and diabetes management. - Key brands include Alphadol, Fosbai, Willgo, Sitcom, Nimulid, Livoluk, PanGraf, Mycept and Panimun Bioral. Views new product launches and expanding market outreach as major growth drivers.


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Offers oral polio vaccines to Government of India, UNICEF, and National Governments of developing countries. It also offers a full range of fully liquid wP based pentavalent, tetravalent and hexavalent vaccine. - Key products include Easyfour-TT, a sterile and uniform suspension of tetanus toxoid, diphtheria toxoid, whole cell pertussis vaccine; Easyfive-TT, a Hepatitis B surface antigen and Haemophilus influenzae type b conjugated vaccine; EasySix, a vaccine to protect against infectious diseases such as diphtheria, pertussis, poliomyelitis, tetanus, Hepatitis B and severe infections caused by Haemophilus influenza type b; Novohib, an aemophilus type b conjugate vaccine IP; EnivacHB hepatitis B vaccine (rDNA) IP; bivalent poliomyelitis vaccine; and diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis vaccine - Administered over 9 million doses of oral polio vaccine in collaboration with WHO, UNICEF, and PAHO.


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