RWE AG - Company Profile

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RWE AG (RWE) is an energy utility company. The company has presence across the energy value chain, from lignite production and electricity generation to energy trading and operation of distribution networks, and supply of electricity, gas, and energy solutions. It produces electricity using conventional, nuclear, and renewable sources. RWE trades electricity, oil, natural gas, biomass, coal, and CO2 certificates; retails electricity and gas; and sources fuel needed to produce electricity and heat, and markets the electricity generated by its plants. It also plans, builds, and operates renewable energy facilities; and manages electricity and gas distribution networks. The company serves residential, commercial, industrial, and corporate customers in European Union member countries, Benelux, Eastern Europe, and other countries in the continent. RWE is headquartered in Essen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany.

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Headquarters Germany

Address RWE Platz 1, Essen, Rheinland-Pfalz, 45141

Telephone 49 201 51795009

No of Employees 20,542

Industry Power

Ticker Symbol & Exchange RWE (ETR)

Revenue (2022) $30.9B -25.5% (2022 vs 2021)


Net Income (2022) XYZ -46.6% (2022 vs 2021)

Market Cap* $28.1B

Net Profit Margin (2022) XYZ -28.3% (2022 vs 2021)

* As of and is in US$
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RWE AG premium industry data and analytics


Tenders & Contracts

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Energy Storage Projects

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Transmission & Distribution

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IT Services Contracts

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ICT Spend & Tech Priorities

IT Client Prospector provides intelligence on RWE AG’s likely spend across technology areas enabling you to understand the digital strategy.

Products and Services

Products Services
Gas Gas Storage
Electricity Gas Transportation
Trading of Energy Products
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History section provides information on new products, mergers, acquisitions, expansions, approvals, and many more key events.

Year Event Description
2024 Contracts/Agreements In May, the company and Smalandshamnar entered into a memorandum of understanding to build and maintain future offshore wind farms in Baltic Sea.
2024 Plans/Strategy In May, the company announced its plans to build offshore wind farms of 1.6 gigawatts (GW) off the German North Sea coast.
2024 Plans/Strategy In May, the company announced its plans to construct hydrogen-ready gas-fired power plants at its power plant sites in Germany.
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Competitor Comparison

Key Parameters RWE AG Electricite de France SA EnBW Energie Baden-Wurttemberg AG Vattenfall AB Energeticky a Prumyslovy Holding AS
Headquarters Germany France Germany Sweden Czech Republic
City Essen Paris Karlsruhe Solna Prague
State/Province Rheinland-Pfalz Ile-de-France Baden-Wurttemberg Stockholm North Bohemian
No. of Employees 20,542 171,862 29,087 20,995 10,967
Entity Type Public Private Public Private Private
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Name Position Board Since Age
Werner Brandt, Ph.D. Chairman Executive Board 2013 69
Markus Krebber, Ph.D. Director; Chief Executive Officer Executive Board 2021 49
Michael Muller, Ph.D. Chief Financial Officer; Director Executive Board 2021 52
Zvezdana Seeger Chief Human Resources Officer Senior Management 2020 59
Ralf Sikorski Deputy Chairman; Director Executive Board 2021 62
Non Dignissim Eros Proin vel Convallis 2024 XY
Non Dignissim Eros Proin vel Convallis 2024 XY
Non Dignissim Eros Proin vel Convallis 2024 XY
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