Sino Biopharmaceutical Ltd - Company Profile

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Sino Biopharmaceutical Ltd: Premium Databases

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Sino Biopharmaceutical Sales & Consensus Forecasts

Understand the current and future drug revenue for Sino Biopharmaceutical Ltd and assess market opportunity for new entrants with patient population 8-year forecasts.

A sample of Sino Biopharmaceutical Sales & Consensus Forecasts data

Drug Name Segment Company Name Region First Approval Year 2021 2022(F) 2023(F) 2024(F) 2025(F) 2026(F) 2027(F) 2028(F) 2021-2028 2021-2028 CAGR
Showing 3 of 30+ results.
Deserunt mollit sunt Lorem Lorem Pfizer Inc Lorem WXYZ WXYZ WXYZ WXYZ WXYZ WXYZ WXYZ WXYZ WXYZ WXYZ WXYZ
Zepolas Generics (Gx) Sino Biopharmaceutical Ltd Global 1989 - 224 XYZ XYZ XYZ XYZ XYZ XYZ XYZ XYZ
Budesonide Generics (Gx) Sino Biopharmaceutical Ltd Global 2020 - 205 XYZ XYZ XYZ XYZ XYZ XYZ XYZ XYZ
Abiraterone Acetate Generics (Gx) Sino Biopharmaceutical Ltd Global 2019 - 130 XYZ XYZ XYZ XYZ XYZ XYZ XYZ XYZ
Sales & Consensus Forecasts


Sales and Forecast is a premier pharmaceutical industry forecasting analytical tool integrating company and prescription (Rx) drug sales data with analyst consensus forecasts and also patient based forecasts.

This dataset is designed to give subscribers access to critical information to facilitate strategic decision making around companies their assets.

Sales and Forecast comprises of top-line, seven-year, broker- derived Drug forecasts and company reported historical Drug sales.


Sales and Forecast has Region and Indication specific Sales and Forecast in addition to Patient based Forecasts.

Over 21 Company and Drug-related filters for specific needs. enhanced Supports benchmarking of Drug-specific attributes, applicable for Drugs with more than one Target, Molecule Type, Route of Administration or ATC Classification.

Key Therapy Area places Drugs into a single therapeutic area based on major revenue generating indication and corporate positioning of the Drug.


Sales and Forecast primarily serves as a pharmaceutical company forecasting platform.

Top-line sales data can be viewed for a number of different segments/business areas, including Prescription pharmaceuticals (Rx), Generic pharmaceuticals (Gx), Consumer Healthcare (OTC), Royalty, Animal Health, Licensing Revenue, Manufacturing Revenue, MedTech, Nutritionals, Other Pharma and Other Revenue.

Premium databases is part of our industry range of products

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