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Take-Two Interactive Software Inc: Executives

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The following section provides information on Take-Two Interactive Software Inc’s senior management, executives, CEO and key decision makers and their roles in the organization. For more insight into Take-Two Interactive Software Inc's management and employees, unlock the full data with our company analytics monitoring tool.


Strauss Zelnick

Chairman; Chief Executive Officer Executive Board Since: 2011 Age: 66

Mr. Strauss Zelnick has been the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer f the company since January 2011. He has held the position of Chief Executive Officer since 2011. Previously, he served as the Executive Chairman of Direct Holdings Worldwide, Inc. until March 2007. Prior to that, he was the President and Chief Executive Officer of BMG Entertainment from 1998 to 2000. Mr. Zelnick has extensive experience in the media and entertainment industry, including serving as the President and Chief Executive Officer of Crystal Dynamics and the President and Chief Operating Officer of 20th Century Fox. He has been a Director of the company since March 2007.

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Lainie Goldstein

Chief Financial Officer Senior Management Since: 2007 Age: 55

Ms. Lainie Goldstein has been the Chief Financial Officer of Take-Two Interactive Software Inc. since June 2007. In this role, she oversees Finance, Investor Relations, and Corporate Communications. With her financial and business experience in various industries, including software, entertainment, retail, and apparel, Ms. Goldstein effectively manages the finance function of the company. Before joining Take-Two Interactive Software Inc., she held positions of increasing responsibility at Nautica Enterprises, Inc., including Vice President of Finance and Business Development.

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Daniel P. Emerson

Executive Vice President; Chief Legal Officer Senior Management Since: 2014 Age: 51

Mr. Daniel Emerson has been the Executive Vice President and Chief Legal Officer of Take-Two Interactive Software Inc. since October 2014. He joined the company in June 2005 and has held various positions within the legal department, including Senior Vice President, Corporate Secretary, Deputy General Counsel, and General Counsel. Prior to joining Take-Two Interactive Software Inc., Mr. Emerson was a partner at the law firm Blank Rome LLP.

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Karl Slatoff

President Senior Management Since: 2013 Age: 53

Mr. Karl Slatoff is the President of Take-Two Interactive Software Inc., a position he has held since May 2013. He also served as the Chief Operating Officer of the company from October 2010 to April 2013. As President, Mr. Slatoff plays a vital role in the overall management and operations of the company. He is a partner in Zelnick Media Capital and has previous experience as Vice President of New Media at BMG Entertainment and in strategic planning at the Walt Disney Company. With his expertise in digital strategies and business development, Mr. Slatoff contributes to the success and growth of Take-Two Interactive Software Inc.

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Roland Hernandez

Director Non Executive Board Since: 2019 Age: 66

Mr. Roland Hernandez has been the Director of the company since 2019. He served as the Chief Executive Officer of Hernandez Media Ventures. Previously, he worked as the Chairman from 1998 to 2000 and as the President and Chief Executive Officer of Telemundo Group, Inc from 1995 to 2000.

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