Bechtel Corp - Company Profile

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Bechtel Corp (Bechtel) is a provider of engineering, construction, and project management services. It offers services such as construction, master planning, tunneling, finance, engineering, procurement, sustainability solutions, and feasibility studies. Bechtel also carries out project and program management, testing and commissioning, startup and operations, technology licensing and consulting, and financing and equity investments. It provides these services to energy, transportation, infrastructure, communications, mining and metals, oil and gas, chemicals, water, defense and nuclear, and government sectors. The company operates through its subsidiaries and regional offices in the Americas, Asia Pacific, Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Bechtel is headquartered in Reston, Virginia, the US.

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Headquarters United States of America

Address Suite 110, 12011 Sunset Hills Road, Reston, Virginia, 20190-5919

Telephone 1 571 3926300

Industry Construction

Revenue (2022) $16.8B

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Products and Services

Development, Investment and Finance
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History section provides information on new products, mergers, acquisitions, expansions, approvals, and many more key events.

Year Event Description
2023 Corporate Changes/Expansions In November, the company collaborated with EllisDon, Fengate, and Alstom, to start passenger service of Edmonton’s Valley Line Southeast.
2023 Contracts/Agreements In November, the company was selected by Urenco to support the expansion of a key facility responsible for processing uranium tails.
2023 Contracts/Agreements In October, the company was selected by Sabanci Renewables to build a 232MWdc solar project in Texas, the Oriana Solar facility.
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Competitor Comparison

Key Parameters Bechtel Corp Fluor Corp Kiewit Corp MasTec Inc KBR Inc
Headquarters United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America United States of America
City Reston Irving Omaha Coral Gables Houston
State/Province Virginia Texas Nebraska Florida Texas
No. of Employees - 30,187 27,000 32,000 34,000
Entity Type Private Public Private Public Public
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Name Position Board Since Age
Brendan Bechtel Chief Executive Officer; Chairman Executive Board 2017 -
Craig Albert President; Director; Chief Operating Officer Executive Board 2020 -
Catherine Hunt Ryan President - Manufacturing and Technology; Director Executive Board 2018 -
Keith Hennessey Chief Financial Officer Senior Management - -
Justin Zaccaria Chief Human Resources Officer Senior Management 2018 -
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