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  • Innovation Ranking

    $1,995 | March 2024
    Innovation Ranking

    Innovation Ranking – Hytera Communications Corporation Limited

    Hytera Communications Corporation Ltd (Hytera) designs and manufactures professional mobile radio communication equipment. The company offers digital radio and trunking systems, LTE-broadband and smart radio, 4G/5G systems, body worn cameras, command and dispatch, emergency response, communication command vehicles, satellite communications, antenna subsystems and smart accessories. Hytera provides customized communication solutions to government, public security, utility, transportation, enterprise and business. It also provides service products and support. The company operates in the UK, Germany, Australia, the US, Canada, Hong Kong, Russia,...

  • Company Profile

    $295 | February 2024
    Company Profile

    Hytera Communications Corp Ltd – Company Profile

    Hytera Communications Corporation Ltd (Hytera) designs and manufactures professional mobile radio communication equipment. The company offers digital radio and trunking systems, LTE-broadband and smart radio, 4G/5G systems, body worn cameras, command and dispatch, emergency response, communication command vehicles, satellite communications, antenna subsystems and smart accessories. Hytera provides customized communication solutions to government, public security, utility, transportation, enterprise and business. It also provides service products and support. The company operates in the UK, Germany, Australia, the US, Canada, Hong Kong, Russia,...

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