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  • Company Profile

    $295 | February 2024
    Company Profile

    Unibel SA – Company Profile

    Unibel SA (Unibel) operates as a holding that produces and sells dairy products. The company carries out the business of production of cheese and cheese products includes including cream cheese, hard cheese, soft cheese and processed cheese, among others. The company offers its products under international brands such as La Vache qui rit, Kiri, Mini Babybel, Leerdammer, Boursin, Pom'Potes, and GoGo squeeZ. The company markets its products in Europe, America, Asia, the Middle East and Africa. Unibel SA is headquartered...

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  • Company Profile

    $295 | November 2023
    Company Profile

    Bel SA – Company Profile

    Bel SA (BEL), produces and markets cheese and healthy snacks. The company's product portfolio includes pressed, processed, fresh and spreadable cheese. It also offers other dairy products including milk, cream and butter. The company markets products under The Laughing Cow, Mini Babybel, Leerdammer, Apericube, Boursin, Babybel, Picon, Price's and Sylphide brand names. BEL also produces and markets specially prepared dairy proteins under Nollibel brand to food manufacturers especially ice cream, yogurt and other dairy product producers. It offers products to...

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  • Sector Analysis

    $6,320 | July 2016
    Sector Analysis

    Consumer and Market Insights: Dairy & Soy Food in France

    Consumer and Market Insights: Dairy & Soy Food in France provides an overview of the market, analyzing market data, demographic consumption patterns within the category, and the key consumer trends driving consumption. The report highlights innovative new product development that effectively targets the most pertinent consumer need states, and offers strategic recommendations to capitalize on evolving consumer landscapes.

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