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  • Sector Analysis

    $8,600 | October 2017
    Sector Analysis

    Household Storage 2017

    The "Household Storage 2017", report provides comprehensive insight into and analysis of the UK storage market, the major players, the prevailing trends, hot issues, consumer motivations, strategies for success, and opportunities for future growth. Consumer data is based on our 2,000 person survey using a panel of nationally representative shoppers. The household storage market will remain robust, compared to other big-ticket home sectors, with steady growth of 9.8% forecast over the next five years, primarily driven by volume growth. The...

  • Analyst Opinions

    $8,600 | January 2016
    Analyst Opinions

    Baby Equipment

    The baby equipment market has remained resilient amid the challenging economic backdrop, with parents and wider family and friends committed to spend on their young ones. However, demand is highly dependent on the UK birth rate, which fell in 2013, leading to a drop in sales. The market is seeing some long-term positives for demand. There is an increasing sense of fashion ability, especially in Prams & Buggies, which combined with tighter legislative guidelines around Safety and Travel, is encouraging...

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