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    $295 | February 2024
    Company Profile

    Heineken UK Ltd – Company Profile

    Heineken UK Ltd (Heineken UK), a subsidiary of Heineken NV, is a manufacturer and producer of Alcoholic breweries. The company manufactures and distributes beer and cider under various brands including Heineken, Foster’s, Strongbow, Bulmers, Kronenbourg 1664, Desperados, Birra Moretti, Scrumpy Jack, Orchard Thieves Cider, Sol, Symonds Founders Reserve, Tiger, Woodpecker, Deuchars, Murphy’s, Red Stripe, Lagunitas, Brixton Brewery, John Smith’s, Inch’s, Newcastle, Sagres, Amstel, and Old Mout Cider. Additionally, it also operates pubs in the UK. The company operates breweries, cider...

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