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  • Company Profile

    $295 | February 2024
    Company Profile

    Huma Therapeutics Ltd – Company Profile

    Huma Therapeutics Ltd a global healthcare company that provides enterprise mobile healthcare solutions. The company through its hospital at home technology enables greater access to care for patients from any location and improves efficiency for clinicians by collecting real-world patient data remotely. It also develops regulated Software as a Medical Device (SaMD) solutions. Huma Therapeutics platform delivers targeted educational content to better track and manage patients' health. The company serves hospitals, patients and clinics. It operates in the North America,...

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  • Product Insights

    $500 | March 2023
    Product Insights

    Huma Therapeutics Ltd Pipeline Insight and Competitive Landscape, 2023

    Empower your strategies with our Huma Therapeutics Ltd Pipeline Insight and Competitive Landscape, 2023 report and make more profitable business decisions. Huma Therapeutics Ltd (Huma Therapeutics), formerly Humaforhealth Ltd, is a global healthcare company that provides enterprise mobile healthcare solutions. The company through its hospital at home technology enables greater access to care for patients from any location and improves efficiency for clinicians by collecting real-world patient data remotely. It also develops regulated Software as a Medical Device (SaMD) solutions....

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