
GlobalData’s reports offer expert analysis, insights and opinions to companies in the world’s largest industries. Explore unique market-leading data today and benefit from access to actionable insight within the Power market. Reports cover market growth forecasts, trends and research, and more.

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  • Sector Analysis

    $500 | April 2024
    Sector Analysis

    Russia Renewable Energy Policy Handbook, 2024 Update

    "Russia Renewable Energy Policy Handbook 2024” is among the latest country specific policy reports from GlobalData, the industry analysis specialist. The report offers comprehensive information on major policies governing the renewable energy market in the country and provides information on renewable policies/developments at a regional/municipal level. The report discusses renewable energy targets and plans along with the present policy framework, giving a fair idea of overall growth potential of the renewable energy industry. The report also provides major technology specific...

  • Sector Analysis

    $500 | April 2024
    Sector Analysis

    Saudi Arabia Renewable Energy Policy Handbook, 2024 Update

    "Saudi Arabia Renewable Energy Policy Handbook 2024” is among the latest country specific policy reports from GlobalData, the industry analysis specialist. The report offers comprehensive information on major policies governing the renewable energy market in the country and provides information on renewable policies/developments at a regional/municipal level. The report discusses renewable energy targets and plans along with the present policy framework, giving a fair idea of overall growth potential of the renewable energy industry. The report also provides major technology...

  • Thematic Analysis

    $995 | April 2024
    Thematic Analysis

    Batteries in Power – Thematic Intelligence

    Battery technology—in the form of a battery energy storage system (BESS)—is scaling up in the power sector due to its economical storage of energy. Storage systems, when integrated with solar or wind energy, can store excessive energy and discharge it as and when required, benefitting the power sector in various ways. BESS deployments are already happening on a very large scale. The battery energy storage market registered a cumulative deployment of 36.7GW at the end of 2023. With growing demand...

  • Product Insights

    $100 | April 2024
    Product Insights

    Pelit RES, Turkey

    Empower your strategies with our Pelit RES report and make more profitable business decisions. Note: This is an on-demand report that will be delivered upon request. The report will be delivered within 2 to 3 business day of the purchase, excluding weekends and holidays. Certain sections of the report may be removed or altered based on data availability and relevance. Reasons to buy Acquire a thorough understanding of the project’s core details and stages of development.. Monitor competitor activity and...

  • Product Insights

    $100 | April 2024
    Product Insights

    Sola Adams Solar PV Park, South Africa

    Empower your strategies with our Sola Adams Solar PV Park report and make more profitable business decisions. Note: This is an on-demand report that will be delivered upon request. The report will be delivered within 2 to 3 business day of the purchase, excluding weekends and holidays. Certain sections of the report may be removed or altered based on data availability and relevance. Reasons to buy Acquire a thorough understanding of the project’s core details and stages of development.. Monitor...

  • Product Insights

    $100 | April 2024
    Product Insights

    McNeal Solar PV Park, US

    Empower your strategies with our McNeal Solar PV Park report and make more profitable business decisions. Note: This is an on-demand report that will be delivered upon request. The report will be delivered within 2 to 3 business day of the purchase, excluding weekends and holidays. Certain sections of the report may be removed or altered based on data availability and relevance. Reasons to buy Acquire a thorough understanding of the project’s core details and stages of development.. Monitor competitor...

  • Sector Analysis

    $100 | April 2024
    Sector Analysis

    Power: Hiring Trends & Signals Q1 2024

    The Power: Hiring Trends & Signals Q1 2024 report provides valuable insights into hiring trends, job listings, and other important information. The report aims to support decision-making by providing a competitive advantage and a deeper understanding of employment trends, roles, skills, locations, and themes. It delivers critical job insights to corporations and talent/staffing platforms. The report enables competitive analytics and intelligence through proxy signals from job roles, locations, themes and skills. It helps corporations and academia anticipate the future of...

  • Sector Analysis

    $399 | April 2024
    Sector Analysis

    Global Hiring Activity – Trends & Signals Q1 2024

    The Hiring Trends and Signals Q1 2024 report provides valuable insights into hiring trends, job listings, and other important information. The report aims to support decision-making by providing a competitive advantage and a deeper understanding of employment trends, roles, skills, locations, and themes. It delivers critical job insights to corporations and talent/staffing platforms. The report enables competitive analytics and intelligence through proxy signals from job roles, locations, themes and skills. It helps corporations and academia anticipate the future of work,...

  • Product Insights

    $100 | April 2024
    Product Insights

    Koegorspolder Solar PV Project, Netherlands

    Empower your strategies with our Koegorspolder Solar PV Project report and make more profitable business decisions. Note: This is an on-demand report that will be delivered upon request. The report will be delivered within 2 to 3 business day of the purchase, excluding weekends and holidays. Certain sections of the report may be removed or altered based on data availability and relevance. Reasons to buy Acquire a thorough understanding of the project’s core details and stages of development.. Monitor competitor...

  • Product Insights

    $100 | April 2024
    Product Insights

    Shamrock Wind Farm, US

    Empower your strategies with our Shamrock Wind Farm report and make more profitable business decisions. Note: This is an on-demand report that will be delivered upon request. The report will be delivered within 2 to 3 business day of the purchase, excluding weekends and holidays. Certain sections of the report may be removed or altered based on data availability and relevance. Reasons to buy Acquire a thorough understanding of the project’s core details and stages of development.. Monitor competitor activity...

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