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  • Sector Analysis

    $975 | July 2016
    Sector Analysis

    Cigarettes in Zimbabwe

    Zimbabwe has only recently recovered from severe economic and political difficulties which negatively affect the cigarette market. As such, RYO cigarettes, low price brands and non-duty paid cigarettes became regular features of the market as hyperinflation, unemployment and poverty made manufactured cigarettes unaffordable for consumers. Though the market has recovered in recent years, with volumes reaching 2.3 billion pieces in 2010, non-duty paid cigarettes are still widely available. The cigarette market is dominated by the international BAT, through its Zimbabwe...

  • Sector Analysis

    $975 | November 2016
    Sector Analysis

    Cigarettes in Zambia

    Zambia is a large and relatively prosperous country in southern Africa with a moderately sized cigarette market. The cigarette market is intrinsically linked to the country's economic performance and as a result has experienced high levels of growth in recent years. The market reached a peak of 1.5 billion pieces in 2013 due to the strong Zambian economy and the introduction of the minimum wage. However, tax rises, contraband from Zimbabwe, and the growth of RYO tobacco is hindering the...

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