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  • Sector Analysis

    $975 | November 2018
    Sector Analysis

    Cigarettes in Iran, 2018

    "Cigarettes in Iran, 2018", is an analytical report by GlobalData that provides extensive and highly detailed current and future market trends in the Iranian market. The report offers Market size and structure of the overall and per capita consumption based upon a unique combination of industry research, fieldwork, market sizing analysis, and our in-house expertise. Iran is one of the largest countries in the region with a population of nearly 84 million and one of the largest markets for cigarettes...

  • Sector Analysis

    $975 | June 2016
    Sector Analysis

    Cigarettes in Croatia

    The cigarette market in Croatia is one of the larger of the former Yugoslav states, but it is experiencing long-term decline because of rising taxes, anti-smoking laws, and lower smoking incidences. This is compounded by relatively high rates of cigarette smuggling, like in other Balkan countries, which is further hindering the legitimate cigarette market. The market leader, and the biggest domestic cigarette producer, is TDR (owned by BAT since 2015) with over half of the duty-paid market.

  • Sector Analysis

    $975 | December 2016
    Sector Analysis

    Cigarettes in Iran

    Due to Iran's large population, over 80 million people, and relative prosperity in the region it has a large smoking population. It is estimated that the Iranian cigarette market is currently at 60-70 billion pieces per annum. However, the country suffers from a large contraband market due to smuggling from neighboring countries. As of 2014, non-duty paid cigarettes was 24 billion pieces a year, which is hindering the legitimate market substantially. However, the government has been tackling this problem in...

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