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  • Product Insights

    $100 | November 2023
    Product Insights


    Jamanxim is a hydro project located in Para, Brazil. The project is expected to come online in 2032. Empower your strategies with our Jamanxim report and make more profitable business decisions. Note: This is an on-demand report that will be delivered upon request. The report will be delivered within 2 to 3 business day of the purchase, excluding weekends and holidays. Certain sections of the report may be removed or altered based on data availability and relevance. Reasons to buy...

  • Product Insights

    $100 | November 2023
    Product Insights

    Jardim do Ouro

    Jardim do Ouro is a Hydro project located in Para, Brazil. The project is expected to come online in 2028. Empower your strategies with our Jardim do Ouro report and make more profitable business decisions. Note: This is an on-demand report that will be delivered upon request. The report will be delivered within 2 to 3 business day of the purchase, excluding weekends and holidays. Certain sections of the report may be removed or altered based on data availability and...

  • Product Insights

    $100 | November 2023
    Product Insights

    Cachoeira dos Patos

    Cachoeira dos Patos is a Hydro project located in Para, Brazil. The project is expected to come online in 2032. Empower your strategies with our Cachoeira dos Patos report and make more profitable business decisions. Note: This is an on-demand report that will be delivered upon request. The report will be delivered within 2 to 3 business day of the purchase, excluding weekends and holidays. Certain sections of the report may be removed or altered based on data availability and...

  • Product Insights

    $100 | November 2023
    Product Insights


    Tucurui is a hydro project located in Para, Brazil. The project is owned by Centrais Eletricas do Norte do Brasil SA and was developed by UTC Engenharia SA. The project came online in 1984. Empower your strategies with our Tucurui report and make more profitable business decisions. Note: This is an on-demand report that will be delivered upon request. The report will be delivered within 2 to 3 business day of the purchase, excluding weekends and holidays. Certain sections of...

  • Product Insights

    $100 | November 2023
    Product Insights

    Cachoeira do Cai

    Cachoeira do Cai is a hydro project located in Para, Brazil. The project is expected to come online in 2033. Empower your strategies with our Cachoeira do Cai report and make more profitable business decisions. Note: This is an on-demand report that will be delivered upon request. The report will be delivered within 2 to 3 business day of the purchase, excluding weekends and holidays. Certain sections of the report may be removed or altered based on data availability and...

  • Product Insights

    $100 | November 2023
    Product Insights

    Jamba ia Oma

    Jamba ia Oma is a Hydro project located in Huambo, Angola. The project is owned and being developed by Gabinete para a Administracao da Bacia Hidrografica do rio Cunene; Ministry of Energy and Water, Angola. The project is expected to come online in 2035. Empower your strategies with our Jamba ia Oma report and make more profitable business decisions. Note: This is an on-demand report that will be delivered upon request. The report will be delivered within 2 to 3...

  • Product Insights

    $100 | November 2023
    Product Insights

    UTE Barcarena Combined Cycle Power Plant

    UTE Barcarena Combined Cycle Power Plant is a thermal project located in Para, Brazil. The project is owned and developed by Brazilian Energy Participacoes SA; Centrais Eletricas Barcarena SA; Golar Power Brasil Participacoes SA; Oak Participacoes Ltda. The project is currently under construction. Empower your strategies with our UTE Barcarena Combined Cycle Power Plant report and make more profitable business decisions. Note: This is an on-demand report that will be delivered upon request. The report will be delivered within 2...

  • Product Insights

    $100 | November 2023
    Product Insights

    Belo Monte

    Belo Monte is a hydro project located in Para, Brazil. The project is owned by Belo Monte Participacoes S.A; Centrais Eletricas Brasileiras S.A.; Centrais Eletricas do Norte do Brasil SA; Companhia Hidro Eletrica do Sao Francisco; Fundacao dos Economiarios Federais; Fundacao Petrobras de Seguridade Social; JMalucelli Energia S.A; Light SA; Siderurgica Norte Brasil SA; Vale SA and was developed by Norte Energia SA. The project came online in 2016. Empower your strategies with our Belo Monte report and make more...

  • Product Insights

    $4,000 | November 2023
    Product Insights

    Hydrogels Pipeline by Stages of Development, Segments, Region, Regulatory Path and Key Companies

    Hydrogels Pipeline Market Report Overview Hydrogels include dressings that consist of 96% water with a matrix of insoluble polymers embedded in it. The former helps to maintain a moist wound environment while the latter facilitates absorption of wound exudates. These dressings are available in the form of tubes and sheets and both of them are tracked under this segment. Hydrogels are segmented into antimicrobial and non-antimicrobial hydrogel dressings. The Hydrogels pipeline market research report provides comprehensive information about the Hydrogels...

  • Sector Analysis

    $995 | October 2023
    Sector Analysis

    Brazil Iron Ore Mining Market by Reserves, Production, Assets, Projects, Fiscal Regime with Taxes, Royalties and Forecast to 2030

    Empower your strategies with our Brazil Iron Ore Mining to 2026 report and make more profitable business decisions.Brazil Iron Ore Mining Market Report Overview Brazil is the world’s second-largest iron ore producer, after Australia. In 2023, the iron ore mine production output in Brazil was 410.2 million tonnes (Mt). The iron ore production in Brazil will grow at a CAGR of more than 2% from 2024 to 2030.  This growth is in line with Vale’s target to produce between 340-360Mt...

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