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    i Confines the search results to companies with major focus on the selected sector
Company Name Entity type Parent/Subsidiary/Independent Headquarters No. of Employees Annual Revenue ($M)
Bial - America Latina SA
Private Subsidiary (of Bial Holding SA  
Panama XYZ XYZ
Bial Biotech Investments Inc
Private Subsidiary (of Bial Holding SA  
United States of America XYZ XYZ
Bial - Portela & Ca SA
Private Subsidiary (of Bial Holding SA  
Portugal XYZ XYZ
Bial - Industrial Farmaceutica SA
Private Independent Spain XYZ XYZ
Bial - R&D Investments SA
Private Subsidiary (of Bial Holding SA  
Portugal XYZ XYZ
Private Independent France XYZ XYZ
Orzel Bialy SA
Public Independent Poland XYZ XYZ
Private Independent Russia XYZ XYZ
Politechnika Bialostocka
Private Independent Poland XYZ XYZ
Bialoom Ltd
Private Independent Cyprus XYZ XYZ
Andrew Bialecki
Private Independent United States of America XYZ XYZ
Bialetti Industrie SpA
Public Independent Italy XYZ XYZ
Bangalore International Airport Ltd
Private Independent India XYZ XYZ
Elektrocieplownia Bialystok SA
Private Subsidiary (of Enea SA  
Poland XYZ XYZ
Bialetti Store Srl
Private Independent Italy XYZ XYZ
Radio Bialystok S.A.
Private Independent Poland XYZ XYZ
University of Bialystok
Institution Parent Poland XYZ XYZ
Bialik – Dental-Technik GmbH
Private Independent Germany XYZ XYZ
Bialmed Sp. z o.o.
Private Independent Poland XYZ XYZ
Polmos Bielsko-Biala, SA
Private Subsidiary (of Stock Spirits Group Ltd  
Poland XYZ XYZ
Uniwersytet Medyczny w Bialymstoku
Private Independent Poland XYZ XYZ
Agrovita Bialystok Sp. z o.o.
Private Independent Poland XYZ XYZ
Bialystok Science & Technology Park
Private Independent Poland XYZ XYZ
Medical University of Bialystok
Institution Independent Poland XYZ XYZ
Bialy Kruk Sp. z o.o.
Private Independent Poland XYZ XYZ
Elektrownia Wiatrowa Biala Sp zoo
Private Independent Poland XYZ XYZ
Regional Specialist Hospital in Biala Podlaska
Institution Independent Poland XYZ XYZ
Bialy Bor Farma Wiatrowa Sp zoo
Private Independent Poland XYZ XYZ
Spoldzielna Mieszkaniowa Rodzina Kolejowa w Bialymstoku
Private Independent Poland XYZ XYZ
Spzoz Wojewodzka Stacja Pogotowia Ratunkowego W Bialymstoku
Private Independent Poland XYZ XYZ
SPOLEM Powszechna Spoldzielnia Spozywcow w Bialej Podlaskiej
Private Independent Poland XYZ XYZ
SZPITAL OGOLNY im. dr Edmunda Wojtyly w Bielsku-Bialej
Private Independent Poland XYZ XYZ
FSE Fabryka Samochodow Elektrycznych Sp z oo
Private Independent Poland XYZ XYZ
Przedsiebiorstwo Przemyslu Betonow PrefabetKolbuszowa SA
Public Poland XYZ XYZ
St. Lukasz
Institution Independent Poland XYZ XYZ

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