Sales of men’s styling products could increase due to COVID-19 lockdown measures

Prior to the COVID-19 outbreak, 71% of men globally said that feeling physically attractive is either very important or important in creating a feeling of wellbeing or wellness*. However, during COVID-19 lockdowns, many people’s grooming and styling rituals went out of the window. Now, with lockdown relaxation expected to take place soon, there may be an upswing in the sales of styling products as people become more image-conscious again, says GlobalData, a leading data and analytics company.

Khalid Peerbaccus, Senior Researcher at GlobalData, comments: “Appearance is important for men and this is no less true during periods of uncertainty. The lockdown may fuel this desire even further particularly with zoom meetings and house party calls becoming increasingly popular and the ‘new norm’ as a way of keeping connected with colleagues, friends and family.”

As it stands, 62% of male consumers surveyed globally are either buying the same amount of hair care products as before lockdown, or have started to buy more**.

Peerbaccus adds: “As lockdown measures begin to relax and men face the prospect of re-joining their offices, many may be starting to think about ways to take back control of their hair and grooming routines.”

This is no easy task, however, due to social distancing regulations, as hairdressers are to remain shut for an indefinite amount of time. A solution to this, and to tide them over before the long-awaited hair appointment, could be to simply invest in more styling agents that can help mask the months of overgrowth.

Peerbaccus concludes: “This will continue to stimulate an increase in demand for at-home styling products and hair coloring kits that can offer a salon-quality finish for consumers looking for professional results in the comfort and safety of their homes.”


*GlobalData’s 2019 Q3 global consumer survey

**GlobalData’s Coronavirus (COVID-19) Tracker Consumer Survey – Week 10 (June 3rd) – Global – buying the same amount/slightly more/significantly more/stockpiling responses combined

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