ARYZTA AG - Company Profile

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Aryzta AG (Aryzta) is a manufacturer, distributor, and marketer of specialty bakery products. The company’s products portfolio includes baked sweet and savory goods such as bread rolls, artisan loaves, donuts, muffins, buns, sweet baked and savory. Its markets products under the Otis Spunkmeyer, Coup De Pates, Fornetti, Hiestand, Mette Munk, Pre Pain, and Cuisine De France brand names. Aryzta serves large retailers, convenience and independent retailers, quick serve restaurants, and other foodservice providers. It has operations in Australia, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, New Zealand, Taiwan, the UK, the Netherlands, Hungary, Poland, Denmark, Germany, Switzerland, France, Ireland, Spain, Sweden, Romania and other European countries.. Aryzta is headquartered in Schlieren, Zurich, Switzerland.

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Headquarters Switzerland

Address Ifangstrasse 9, Schlieren, 8952

Telephone 41 44 5834200

No of Employees 8,019

Industry Consumer Packaged Goods

Ticker Symbol & Exchange ARYN (SWF)

Revenue (2022) $3.3B 73.5% (2022 vs 2021)


Net Income (2022) XYZ 17733.3% (2022 vs 2021)

Market Cap* $1.9B

Net Profit Margin (2022) XYZ 10,440.0% (2022 vs 2021)

* As of and is in US$
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Products and Services

Products Brands
Pastries Otis Spunkmeyer
Croissants Coup De Pates
Bread Rolls Cuisine De France
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Competitor Comparison

Key Parameters ARYZTA AG Nestle SA Associated British Foods Plc Grupo Bimbo SAB de CV General Mills Inc
Headquarters Switzerland Switzerland United Kingdom Mexico United States of America
City Schlieren Vevey London Colonia Pena Blanca Santa Fe Minneapolis
State/Province - Waadt England - Minnesota
No. of Employees 8,019 270,000 133,487 148,868 34,000
Entity Type Public Public Public Public Public
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Name Position Board Since Age
Urs Ernst Jordi Chairman; Chief Executive Officer - Interim Executive Board 2020 58
Martin Huber Chief Financial Officer Senior Management 2021 53
Sandip Gudka Chief Operating Officer Senior Management 2023 47
Christophe Toitot Chief Procurement Officer Senior Management 2023 -
Rhona Shakespeare Secretary; General Counsel Senior Management 2018 49
Non Dignissim Eros Proin vel Convallis 2024 XY
Non Dignissim Eros Proin vel Convallis 2024 XY
Non Dignissim Eros Proin vel Convallis 2024 XY
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