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View up-to-date information on curasan AG patents, including inventor and filing insights.

Patent Trends

Publication Identifier Document Type Title Classification-CPC Publication Date
BRPI0920526B8 Grant dispositivo de fresagem para abertura de um orifício em um osso A61B17/16; A61B17/1633; A61B17/1673; A61B17/1688; A61B17/1695; A61B17/176; A61B17/1785; A61B17/8805; A61B18/00; A61B2017/00017; A61B2090/034; A61B2090/062; A61B2090/064; A61C1/08; A61C3/02; A61C8/0089; A61C8/0092 June 22, 2021
BRPI0920526B1 Grant dispositivo de fresagem para abertura de um orifício em um osso A61B17/16; A61B17/1633; A61B17/1673; A61B17/1688; A61B17/1695; A61B17/176; A61B17/1785; A61B17/8805; A61B18/00; A61B2017/00017; A61B2090/034; A61B2090/062; A61B2090/064; A61C1/08; A61C3/02; A61C8/0089; A61C8/0092 January 14, 2020
KR1020190105110A Application Biodegradable composite material A61L27/56; A61L2300/412; A61L27/42; A61L27/54; A61L27/425; A61L27/24; A61L2430/02; A61F2/28; C08L89/06; A61F2310/00365; A61L27/58; A61L27/12; A61F2210/0004; B29C44/02; A61F2002/2835 September 11, 2019
ZA201303901B Grant Guide element and device for creating a hole in a bone A61B17/17; A61B17/176; A61C1/0046; A61C1/08; A61C1/082; A61C3/02; A61C8/00; A61C8/0092 December 19, 2018
US10080625B2 Grant Guide element and device for creating a hole in a bone A61B17/176; A61C1/0046; A61C1/082; A61C8/0092 September 25, 2018
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