Enel SpA - Company Profile

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Enel SpA (Enel) is an integrated electricity and gas company. It generates, transports and distributes electricity and sells and trades electric energy and natural gas, green certificates, and CO2 emission rights. The company generates power using hydro, wind, nuclear, geothermal, solar, thermoelectric, and other renewable sources at its coal-fired, fuel-oil and turbo-gas plants, combined-cycle plants, and nuclear plants. Enel delivers energy in regulated and free markets, and to end users. It also provides advanced energy services and operates in the electric mobility sector. The company has operational presence in Europe, North America, Latin America, Africa, Asia and Oceania. Enel is headquartered in Rome, Lazio, Italy.

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Headquarters Italy

Address Viale Regina Margherita, 137, Rome, Lazio, 00198

Telephone 39 06 83052783

No of Employees 60,905

Industry Power

Ticker Symbol & Exchange ENEL (BIT)

Revenue (2022) $100.4B -31.5% (2022 vs 2021)


Net Income (2022) XYZ 104.4% (2022 vs 2021)

Market Cap* $72.1B

Net Profit Margin (2022) XYZ 198.4% (2022 vs 2021)

* As of and is in US$
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Products and Services

Products Services
Electricity Electricity Transmission
Natural Gas Electricity Distribution
Natural Gas Distribution
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History section provides information on new products, mergers, acquisitions, expansions, approvals, and many more key events.

Year Event Description
2024 Contracts/Agreements In March, the company signed a collaboration agreement with Ansaldo Nucleare to inspect and evaluate new technologies and business models for the generation of nuclear energy.
2024 Plans/Strategy In March, the company announced its plans to sell a 49% stake in Enel Libra Flexsys to Sosteneo.
2024 Corporate Changes/Expansions In February, the company's subsidiary, Enel Colombia opened a 187-MW La Loma solar farm in Cesar, Colombia.
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Competitor Comparison

Key Parameters Enel SpA E.ON SE Engie SA Iberdrola SA Energeticky a Prumyslovy Holding AS
Headquarters Italy Germany France Spain Czech Republic
City Rome Essen Courbevoie Bilbao Prague
State/Province Lazio Rheinland-Pfalz Ile-de-France Vizcaya North Bohemian
No. of Employees 60,905 72,242 97,297 41,384 10,967
Entity Type Public Public Public Public Private
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Chart Financial activity with access to more key stats Chart Financial activity with access to more key stats Find out more
Name Position Board Since Age
Paolo Scaroni Chairman Executive Board 2023 -
Flavio Cattaneo Chief Executive Officer; Director Executive Board 2023 -
Stefano De Angelis Chief Financial Officer; Director - Administration, Finance and Control Senior Management 2023 -
Valerio Giardina Head - Security Senior Management 2023 -
Claudio Machetti Chief Pricing Officer; Head - Global Energy and Commodity Management Senior Management 2023 -
Non Dignissim Eros Proin vel Convallis 2024 XY
Non Dignissim Eros Proin vel Convallis 2024 XY
Non Dignissim Eros Proin vel Convallis 2024 XY
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