Pacira BioSciences Inc - Company Profile

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Pacira BioSciences Inc: Overview

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Pacira BioSciences Inc (Pacira), formerly Pacira Pharmaceuticals Inc, provides non-opioid pain management and regenerative health solutions. The company develops drugs based on its proprietary pMVL drug delivery technology. Its lead product candidate, Exparel (bupivacaine liposome injectable suspension) is an amide-type local anesthetic administered at the time of surgery to control pain and eliminate the use of opioids for acute postsurgical pain. Its other products include iovera, a non-opioid treatment intended to block pain, and relieve pain and symptoms related to osteoarthritis of the knee; among others. Its products find application in hospitals, doctors and ambulatory surgery centers. It also sells products through co-promotion agreements and supply agreements with other pharmaceutical companies. The company has operations in the US and the UK. Pacira is headquartered in Tampa, Florida, the US.

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Headquarters United States of America

Address 5401 West Kennedy Boulevard, Suite 890, Tampa, Florida, 33609

Telephone 1 813 5536680

No of Employees 711

Industry Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare

Ticker Symbol & Exchange PCRX (NASD)

Revenue (2022) $675.0M 1.2% (2022 vs 2021)


Net Income (2022) XYZ 163.7% (2022 vs 2021)

Market Cap* $1.4B

Net Profit Margin (2022) XYZ 160.3% (2022 vs 2021)

* As of and is in US$
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Products and Services

Products Brands
Exparel - Surgical Infiltration and Interscalene Brachial Plexus Nerve Block Pacira
Iovera System - Total Knee Arthroplasty and Blocking of Pain EXPAREL
Zilretta - Management of OA knee pain DepoCyt
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History section provides information on new products, mergers, acquisitions, expansions, approvals, and many more key events.

Year Event Description
2024 Regulatory Approval In March, the company received Regenerative Medicine Advanced Therapy (RMAT) designation from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for PCRX-201 (enekinragene inzadenovec).
2023 Regulatory Approval In November, the company secured approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for its supplemental new drug application (sNDA) to expand the EXPAREL (bupivacaine liposome injectable suspension) label.
2023 Contracts/Agreements In February, the company and the Ladies Professional Golf Association entered into a partnership to make Pacira’s medical device iovera the Official Non-Opioid Pain Management Partner of the LPGA.
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Competitor Comparison

Key Parameters Pacira BioSciences Inc Napp Pharmaceuticals Ltd DURECT Corp Talphera Inc Akorn Operating Company LLC
Headquarters United States of America United Kingdom United States of America United States of America United States of America
City Tampa Cambridge Cupertino San Mateo Gurnee
State/Province Florida England California California Illinois
No. of Employees 711 194 48 15 -
Entity Type Public Private Public Public Private
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Name Position Board Since Age
Paul J. Hastings Chairman Executive Board 2024 64
Frank D. Lee Director; Chief Executive Officer Executive Board 2024 -
Charles A. Reinhart III Chief Financial Officer Senior Management 2016 63
Daryl Gaugler Chief Operating Officer Senior Management 2022 62
Anthony Molloy III Chief Compliance Officer; Chief Legal Officer Senior Management 2021 -
Non Dignissim Eros Proin vel Convallis 2024 XY
Non Dignissim Eros Proin vel Convallis 2024 XY
Non Dignissim Eros Proin vel Convallis 2024 XY
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