Samhallsbyggnadsbolaget i Norden AB - Company Profile

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Samhallsbyggnadsbolaget i Norden AB: Executives

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The following section provides information on Samhallsbyggnadsbolaget i Norden AB’s senior management, executives, CEO and key decision makers and their roles in the organization. For more insight into Samhallsbyggnadsbolaget i Norden AB's management and employees, unlock the full data with our company analytics monitoring tool.


Lennart Schuss

Chairman Executive Board Since: 2017 Age: 71

Mr. Lennart Schuss has been the Chairman of the company since 2017. Prior to this, he served as a Equity Analyst at SEB and Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Catella Group. He also served as a Executive Chairman of Catella Corporate Finance. Mr. Schuss also served as the Advisor to Genesta Property Funds and Chairman of the Swedish Society of Friends of the Weizmann Institute of Science. He is co-founder of Gimmel Fasti gheter, Catella Corporate Finance, ESWÖ & Partner Fund Commission and Stockholm Fund Commission.

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Ilija Batljan

Chief Executive Officer; Director Executive Board Since: 2017 Age: 56

Mr. Ilija Batljan has been the Chief Executive Officer and a Director of the company since 2017. He also a Founder of the company. Prior to this, he served as the Deputy Chief Executive Officer and Head of Business Development at Rikshem AB from 2011 until 2016. Mr. Batljan alos served as the Vice Chairman for Stockholm County Council from 2010 to 2011, Chairman of Nynashamn from 2005 to 2010, and Under-Secretary at the Swedish Government Offices from 2001 to 2004. Earlier, he served as the Chairman of Sodertörn University and a Member of the Board of Teligent Telecom. He also served at the Inter-American Development Bank. Currently, he serves as the Chairman of Ilija Batljan Invest AB, Health Runner AB and Cryptzone Group AB.

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Eva-Lotta Stridh

Chief Financial Officer; Deputy Chief Executive Officer Senior Management Since: 2016

Ms. Eva-Lotta Stridh has been the Chief Financial Officer, Deputy Chief Executive Officer and Vice President of the company since 2016. Prior to this, he served as the Chief Financial Officer at Rikshem AB, Akelius Fastigheter and Oscar Properties. Currently, he serves as Member of the Board in several subsidiaries of the SBB Group.

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Rosel Ragnarsson

Chief Financial Officer Senior Management Since: 2017

Ms. Rosel Ragnarsson has been the Chief Financial Officer of the company since 2017. Prior to this, she served as the Deputy Chief Executive Officer and Portfolio Manager at SLL Interfinans AB. Ms. Ragnarsson also served as the Head of lending at Dexia Bank. Earkier, she held various finance roles at Nordea, Swedbank, SBAB, and Citibank.

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Krister Karlsson

Chief Operating Officer; Vice President Senior Management Since: 2022

Mr. Krister Karlsson has been the Chief Operating Officer and Vice President of the company since 2022. He also serves as the Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the company. Prior to this, he served as the Head of Planning and Property Development at Rikshem AB and Head of Region at Baltics. Previously, he served as the Head of Projects Sweden and Property Developer at NCC.

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