Telefonica Brasil SA - Company Profile

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Telefonica Brasil SA: Executives

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The following section provides information on Telefonica Brasil SA’s senior management, executives, CEO and key decision makers and their roles in the organization. For more insight into Telefonica Brasil SA's management and employees, unlock the full data with our company analytics monitoring tool.


Eduardo Navarro de Carvalho

Chairman Executive Board Since: 2022 Age: 61

Mr. Eduardo Navarro de Carvalho has been the Chairman of the company since April 2022. He also serves as the Chief of Corporate Affairs and Sustainability Officer of Telefónica of Telefonica SA since September 2021; Patrono Nato of Fundación Telefónica since September 2012. Prior to this, he served as Chief of Strategy and Corporate Affairs Officer of Telefónica from February 2020 to September 2021. He also served as the Communications, Corporate Business, Trademark and Sustainability Officer of the Telefónica group from January 2019 to February 2020. Earlier, he served as member of the board of directors of Telefónica Audiovisual Digital from June 2016 to April 2018. From December 2016 to February 2019, he served as Chairman of the board of directors of Telefônica Factoring do Brasil Ltda.; Chief Executive Officer of the Company from November 2016 to December 2018; Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Fundação Telefônica until December 2019, Officer of SindiTelebrasil from November 2016 to July 2019; CEO of Telefônica Data S.A. until November to 2018. He also served as Chief Executive Officer of SP Telecomunicações Participações Ltda., Pop Internet Ltda., Terra Networks Brasil S.A., and Innoweb Ltda. until January 2019.

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Christian Mauad Gebara

Director; Chief Executive Officer Executive Board Since: 2019 Age: 51

Mr. Chirstain Mauad Gebara has been the Chief Executive Officer and a Director of the company since December 2019. He serves as Chief Executive Officer of Recicla V Comércio e Reciclagem de Sucatas e Metais Ltda., Pop Internet Ltda., Terra Networks Brasil Ltda., Telefônica Infraestrutura e Segurança Ltda. and Garliava RJ Infraestrutura e Redes de Telecomunicações S.A. He also served as the President of SP Telecomunicaçoes Participaçoes Ltda. He serves as Chairman of the Board of Directors of Telefonica Factoring do Brasil Ltda, and the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Fundaçao Telefonica and Vice-President of the Board of Executive Officer of SindiTelebrasil since July 2019. Previously, he served as the Chief Operating Officer of the company from 2017 to 2018.

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David Melcon Sanchez-Friera

Officer-Investor Relations; Chief Financial Officer Senior Management Since: 2022

Mr. David Melcon Sanchez-Friera has been the Chief Financial Officer and Head of Investor Relations of the company since April 2022. He serves as the Chief Financial Officer of POP Internet Ltda., Terra Networks Brasil Ltda., Telefônica Infraestrutura e Segurança Ltda., Recicla V Comércio e Reciclagem de Sucatas e Metais Ltda. and Garliava RJ Infraestrutura e Redes de Telecomunicações S.A. He is also member of the Board of Directors of Telefônica Cloud e Tecnologia do Brasil S.A.; Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of Telefônica Corretora de Seguros Ltda., and member of the board of Directors of Telefônica Factoring do Brasil Ltda. Prior to this, he served as officer of SP Telecomunicações Participações Ltda from October 2016 to October 2022; member of the Board of Trustees of Fundação Telefônica from April 2016 to July 2022; Chief Financial Officer of Telefônica Data S.A. until November 2018.

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Angel Vila

Chief Operating Officer Senior Management

Mr. Angel Vila has been the Chief Operating Officer of the company. Prior to this, he serves as Group Controller, Chief Financial Officer of Telefonica Internacional, Group Head of Corporate Development, Chief Financial and Corporate Development Officer and Chief Strategy and Finance Officer. Previously, he served as Chief Operating Officer and member of the Board of Directors at Telefonica S.A. Prior to this, he served at Citigroup, McKinsey&Co, Ferrovial and Planeta. He also served as Chairman of Telefonica Contenidos, Vice Chairman of Telco SpA (Italy) and Board member of Telefonica Deutschland, Telefonica Brasil, Endemol, Digital+, Atento, Telefonica Czech, CTC Chile, Indra SSI and Terra Lycos.

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Alex Martins Salgado

Chief Revenue Officer Senior Management Since: 2023 Age: 45

Mr. Alex Salgado has been the Chief Revenue Officer of the company since March 2023. He also holds the multiple positions including Director at Vita IT Comércio e Serviços de Soluções em TI Ltda. since October 2022, Telefônica IoT, Big Data e Tecnologia do Brasil S.A. since November of 2021; and Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer of Telefônica Cloud e Tecnologia do Brasil S.A. since August 2021. He has also held the positions of Vice President B2B & Atacado until February 2023 and Vice President B2B until January 2019, both at the Company.

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