ValOre Metals Corp - Company Profile

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ValOre Metals Corp: Premium Databases

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ValOre Metals Corp Mines & Projects

Comprehensive coverage on mines and projects for ValOre Metals Corp with details including commodities, ownership and operations, production, reserves and resources, plant and equipment and key contacts

A sample of ValOre Metals Corp Mines & Projects data

Mine Name Country State Owner Commodity Mine Type & Method Stage
Showing 3 of 6 results.
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Baker Basin Uranium Property Canada Nunavut ValOre Metals Corp..... Uranium To be confirmed Exploration
Angilak Property Canada Nunavut ValOre Metals Corp..... Copper; Gold; Molybdenum; Palladium ; Platinum; Silver; Uranium To be confirmed Exploration
Genesis Property Canada Saskatchewan ValOre Metals Corp..... Uranium To be confirmed Exploration
Mines & Projects


An unrivalled global database with the most extensive coverage of mines and projects, including unparalleled coverage of emerging markets


  • Quickly identify projects matching key criteria such as stage, type, owner, size and location
  • Prioritise according to a wide range of data-points including mine life, method, depth, production, capacity, strip ratio, equipment used, processing plant, employee numbers, opex, capex & more
  • Identify key stakeholders to contact, including mine manager, maintenance manager, general manager and procurement manager at each mine
  • Identify & benchmark potential customers according to asset ownership
  • Export data to Excel to manipulate and personalise, and track using Alerts feature


Save time developing new business opportunities using our unrivalled global database with the most extensive coverage of mines and projects, including unparalleled coverage of emerging markets.

Premium databases is part of our industry range of products

Gain a 360-degree view of ValOre Metals Corp and make more informed decisions for your business
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