Influencers expect Microsoft Copilot+ PCs to pave way for AI-driven computing era, reveals GlobalData

Following Microsoft’s unveiling of Copilot+ PCs, the company has gained prominence among influencers, sparking extensive discussions on social media platform “X”. Influencers believe this technological breakthrough heralds a significant paradigm shift in the monetization opportunities available to developers and the streamlining of their workflows. Notably, the seamless integration of Copilot with Qualcomm’s Snapdragon X series chips distinguishes Microsoft from competitors, which are still in the nascent stages of developing comparable tools, reveals the Social Media Analytics Platform of GlobalData, a leading data and analytics company.

Shreyasee Majumder, Social Media Analyst at GlobalData, comments: “Influencers widely express optimism about Copilot’s capabilities, praising its potential to enhance productivity and revolutionize various industries, including gaming, security, and enterprise applications. They foresee widespread AI adoption, commending Microsoft’s pioneering endeavor and forward-looking strategy, setting a benchmark for forthcoming technological advancements.”

“Despite the optimism, influencers voiced concerns about privacy and data security in the new AI-centric environment as the integration of AI into PCs raise questions about data management and protection. However, influencers speculate that if Microsoft’s Copilot proves successful, it has the potential to completely transform the PC market, leading to a new era of AI-driven computing.”

Below are a few popular influencer opinions captured by GlobalData’s Social Media Analytics Platform:

  1. Tom Warren, Senior Editor at The Verge:

    “Microsoft is making a big bet on building a new type of AI computer. AI chips are at the core of Microsoft’s new Copilot Plus PCs, and Microsoft thinks they could change the way we use computers.”

  2. Ryan Shrout, President at Signal65:

“The industry is “all in” on Copilot+PC. The major OEMs see the vision. This is the power of Microsoft pushing AI as the new paradigm of compute. How fast will consumers buy in?”

  1. Dare Obasanjo, Lead Product Manager at Meta:

“Microsoft also realized developers need a way to make money or do things that make/save them money. Copilot is the first hit product of the generative AI age and it’s now a platform while competitors are still building chatbots.”

  1. Abhishek Bhatnagar, Founder and Chief Editor at GadgetsToUse:

“Microsoft just announced Microsoft Copilot PC and I am very excited about it. I just got to know these new PCs have a new feature called Recall “Recall uses Copilot+ PC advanced processing capabilities to take images of your active screen every few seconds.” Is it safe to see, they have installed a personal keylogger in your PC and it will not only record what you type but also what you do with images or videos? Copilot+ PCs will use the new Snapdragon X series chipset and are optimised to run AI workloads locally with better performance.”

  1. Omkar Rai, Executive Chairman of Startup Odisha:

“That means, now a #AI chatbot that would keep track of what we do on our PC’s and help us navigate as per our surfing habits & preferences. The moot question is how the evolving tech would ensure optimal privacy of individuals’ data & records #Microsoft”

  1. Gary Marcus, Professor of Psychology and Neural Science:

“THIS is the company that wants to record literally everything you ever do on your computer. (Report is re an attack last year.) If you don’t think Microsoft Recall, local or no, will be one of the biggest cybertargets in history, you aren’t paying attention.”

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