GE Healthcare and Medis partnership will transform non-invasive cardiovascular diagnostics, says GlobalData

GE HealthCare and Medis Medical Imaging have recently announced a partnership to enhance non-invasive coronary assessments. The partnership represents a significant leap forward in the field of cardiovascular diagnostics. It highlights the potential of integrating imaging and software technologies in transforming cardiovascular diagnostics, according to GlobalData, a leading data nd analytics company.

GlobalData forecasts the global market for cardiovascular diagnostic technologies to grow from $56 billion in 2021 to $80 billion in 2030, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.07%. The market for cardiovascular diagnostic technologies is comprised of various segments, including interventional cardiology, peripheral vascular devices, transcatheter heart valves, cardiac rhythm management devices, and electrophysiology devices.

Several factors drive the expansion of non-invasive coronary assessments, including the increasing prevalence of cardiovascular diseases, the growing emphasis on early diagnosis and preventive care, and continuous advancements in imaging technologies. These elements are crucial in improving patient outcomes and reducing the overall burden on healthcare systems.

Graysen Vigneux, Medical Analyst at GlobalData, comments: “Non-invasive coronary assessments offer a critical alternative to traditional invasive procedures, which often carry higher risks and longer recovery times. Through this collaboration, GE HealthCare and Medis aim to deliver precise and reliable diagnostic tools that facilitate early detection and management of coronary artery disease.”

GE HealthCare’s advanced imaging systems, combined with Medis’ innovative software, are said to provide detailed assessments of coronary arteries, enabling physicians to make informed decisions regarding patient care. This partnership seeks to enhance the diagnostic process, reduce the need for invasive procedures, and ultimately improve patient outcomes.

Vigneux concludes: “As the partnership advances, GE HealthCare and Medis are positioned to play a significant role in delivering innovative solutions that elevate diagnostic precision and ultimately enhance patient care on a global scale.”

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