Russian PCR systems market to shrink by 44% in 2022 to $17.81 million due to technology sanctions and supply chain issues, says GlobalData

Sanctions placed on Russia since the start of its conflict with Ukraine have had a huge impact on some vital medical supplies as the country imports 64% of its medical equipment. Leading data and analytics company GlobalData reveals that the Russian market for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) systems, which are used to test for diseases, is expected to drop by 44% between 2021 and 2022. PCR systems were recently famous for being one of the diagnostic tests used to identify and trace COVID-19, however, they could also potentially be used for analysing and amplifying lethal biological agents.

GlobalData’s report, ‘PCR Systems Market Size (Value, Volume, ASP) by Segments, Share, Trend and SWOT Analysis, Regulatory and Reimbursement Landscape, Procedures, and Forecast, 2015-2030’, notes that the PCR systems market in Russia was valued at $44.66 million in 2021 and will drop to $17.81 million by the end of 2022. GlobalData predicts that 70% of Russia’s PCR systems were imported pre-conflict.

Selena Yu, Medical Devices Analyst at GlobalData, says: “The Russian PCR systems market will take almost a decade to recover due to the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict, but this will be longer if the conflict and sanctions continue. The current sanctions do not allow PCR systems to be imported, despite having crucial functions such as in vitro diagnostics testing, as these technologies can be used to analyse and amplify lethal biological agents that may be used in military efforts. Although molecular biology systems may be considered humanitarian equipment, governments are hesitant in allowing Russia to obtain more devices that may aid in the Russian military.”

As a result, the Russian healthcare system is relying on its current PCR stockpiles and may need to request equipment from research labs across the country.

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