Masters generates total annual sponsorship revenue of $50.75 million for 2024 edition, reveals GlobalData

The 2024 Masters Golf Tournament witnessed a total of seven sponsors, with the joint-top sponsors in terms of annual deal value being IBM and AT&T, each with deals worth $9 million. Mercedes-Benz, Delta Air Lines, Rolex, and UPS, which have been long-term partners of the tournament, are also sponsors for the 2024 edition. There was only one new sponsor for this year’s tournament, On Location Experiences, worth an estimated $2 million annually. Overall, the 2024 Masters generated a total estimated annual sponsorship revenue of $50.75 million, says GlobalData, a leading data and analytics company.

GlobalData’s latest report “Post Event Analysis – The Masters 2024”, reveals that the final round of the 2024 Masters averaged a 5.2 rating and 9.59 million viewers on CBS. It cost $17,000 for a week-long pass at the 2024 Masters Tournament.

Olivia Snooks, Associate Sport Analyst at GlobalData, comments: “As it is clear that the Masters tournament has committed brands that sponsor the tournament annually, it is not common for the tournament to welcome in new sponsors. Sponsorship at the Masters is very different compared to other sporting events, as the tournament is very minimal in terms of brand presence.”

The first two days of viewership on ESPN saw its largest two-day coverage since 2018. The final round of the Masters, played on April 14 (Sunday), dominated the rest of television across the US; however, it experienced one of its smallest TV audiences in the past three decades. 2024 viewership for the Masters was down 20% on CBS compared to the 2023 edition. However, the 2023 Masters final day did benefit from being Easter Sunday and therefore had a larger out-of-home viewership.

Snooks continues: “This year’s Masters viewership was very mixed in terms of its success. With the 2024 Masters final day not taking place on Easter Sunday, it unfortunately played a big role in its drop in viewership. The Masters is still very popular; however, the final day of the Masters did not receive expected viewership, especially in comparison to 2023.”

The Masters Tournament attracts some of the most loyal attendance in golf and the PGA Tour, and it is believed that between 35,000 and 40,000 people attended the event from 11- 14 April. Attendance at the Masters is typically much lower compared to other PGA Tour events, given that the tickets are one of the toughest to get in all sports.

Snooks concludes: “As the Masters tickets are sold through a lottery system, there are few tickets available compared to the number of patrons who apply through the lottery system process. Tickets are then sold through second markets, where prices dramatically increase. This shows not only how difficult it is to get tickets for the Masters but also highlights the high demand from patrons that the tournament continues to attract.”

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